SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard is dedicated to being the world’s leading global certification standard system for 100% Smoke-free environment, across industries and geographical regions.

SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard was developed with the input of globally reputable and respectable leaders from leading academic institutions and corporations. The SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard ensures that institutions certified by SMOKE-FREE CERTIFICATION™ have a structured and systematic approach to monitor, maintain, and sustain the 100% Smoke-free environment.

SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard contains 30 stringent criteria. When auditors are carrying out assessments against SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard, the criteria are used to evaluate and assess what the institution has done against SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard.

The Global Smoke-free Certification Advisory Board Members meet regularly to review and update SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard so that the SMOKE-FREE CERTIFICATION™ is ensured to remain fit for the purpose of being the world’s leading 100% Smoke-free certification program. In line with international practice for standard setting, SMOKE-FREE CERTIFIED™ Standard is intended for a thorough and formal review every three years. Views, engagement, and recommendations from stakeholders across different levels and industries are taken into consideration for conducting the standard review.